
HTML5 animation

This is a CSS animation I created with an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic). Because I created custom CSS for this post, you’ll have to click on the above heading “HTML5 Animation” to view the animation.

BUILD Mentor Appreciation Video

It was my pleasure to contribute to a short video for for their annual Bay Area Peninsula Business Plan Competition. I worked with a BUILD staff member and videographer RJ Epperson to produce the video. I contributed intro, outro, lower thirds, captions, and color correction.

This is also my 9th year serving as a youth mentor for BUILD!

30-30-30 Swim Challenge 2017

Our May swim challenge has begun at Menlo Masters. Each participant in the challenge will swim for at least 30 minutes per day, for 30 days in May with one day off allowed. It’s only May 5th and I’m feeling it in my lats.

To psych myself up for the challenge, I created another looping GIF using stencil alpha mattes in After Effects (and a nice little drop shadow). The way they cycle on and on forever is how this challenge feels.

Trump’s first 100 days

To commemorate Trump’s first 100 days, I created this animated GIF in After Effects.


This project gave me practice with the brush tool in Adobe Illustrator, giving the figure a sketched look. This project also gave me practice with character rigging with puppet pins in Duik.


Animated logos for teen entrepreneurs

I created some animated logos for teen entrepreneurs participating in BUILD, a local after-school program. These teens will be selling their products at their Spring Sales Bazaar.

Spring Sales Bazaar
At Box Headquarters, 900 Jefferson Ave, Redwood City, CA
March 29, 2017 from 5:30 – 7:30

Strapperzz will be selling LED straps for bike pedals, and Silico will be selling their famous “Octo-scrubber”, a silicone tool for cleaning glassware.

Random Valentine’s Day

I created this simple Happy Valentine’s motion graphic by playing with expressions that use the random() function and the seedRandom() function. This comp is made of a heart-shaped shape layer, and 12 duplicate layers. Each layer changes scale between two randomly chosen values within a range, and each heart’s color is randomly chosen within a range. In this instance, I invested a little extra time designing the first layer, but achieved a complex, many layered look in a matter of seconds by hitting CMD-D a few times. This tutorial on Random Motion was very helpful.

Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope you like pink.

Raven Mask


Here is a design project from 2006 (grad school). It is a large raven mask I made out of wire coat hangers and black panty hose. It is meant to be held in the hands over the head while the wearer (in black) performs the part of the raven.
